Order Tracking
Track Your Order

Track Your Order

 (1)  Order Confirmation Email
When you successfully complete your order, you receive an 'Order Confirmation' email regarding your product purchase(s) and payment(s). 

 (2)  Shipping Confirmation Email 
After your ordered purchases are shipped, you should promply receive a 'Shipping Confirmation' email regarding the date/time your shipment has been shipped to you.  ['Order Tracking' is not always made available to us. 
However, when 'Order Tracking' is made available to us:
 Your shipping confirmation email may include an 'Order Tracking' number which is provided by the Shipper ('Shipping Method' that you selected at the time of your purchase order). 
When available, 'Order Tracking' makes it possible for you to track the progress of your shipment; from the date/time it was shipped to you, up until the date/time your shipment arrives at the destination ('Shipping Address') you chose at the time your purchase order was made.  
The 'Tracking Number' for your shipment can be found on the shipping confirmation email you receive.  You must be connected to the internet and have a live internet connection for either of the following processes: 
Simply 'click on the tracking number link' (when/if provided); Or, 'copy the tracking number' (when/if provided) and: 
  • 'Enter your order tracking number in the field below.' 
Order Number
Place Another Order:

Place Another Order:

It is always a pleasure serving you as our customer. 
We'd like to say "Thank You!" 
And encourage you to continue shopping at our website store: A Fannypack Shop.com.  
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